New York Building
Gallery type
Date of publication:
Jun 1, 2024 7:13:58 PM
Author’s comment:
I've never been to New York but I always liked its architecture. That is why I decided to dedicate this work to the building that I came across while looking through Google Maps.,-74.0290247,3a,75y,241.23h,108.34t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sjAR3uoJ9ggEU6g3L-jp_-w!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu
The main purpose of this work was to practice in Unreal Engine 5, improve my lighting, shader creation and scene assembling skills.
Modeling was done in Blender.
For texturing I used Substance Painter, Quixel Mixer, Marmoset Toolbag, Photoshop and Krita.
Whole assembly, lighting and rendering was done in Unreal Engine 5, as well as shader creation, scene adjustments, etc (For Props rendering was done in Marmoset Toolbag).
During creation process I've learned a lot of features in Unreal, including Vertex Paint function and usage of CubeMaps for Interior immitation
During this project, I've created some props, which I'll upload by this link in a nearest time
Be free to use them in your projects, if you'd like too
In this work I also used some assets from external packs, and from Quixel Megascans library, to fully decorate the scene, huge thanks to authors of this packs:
Also, thank you kindly, all the people who provided feedback and helped me in process of creation, and thanks to you, for checking up my work🙂
Have a good day
Work on ArtStation:
Blender Unreal Engine Substance Painter Marmoset Toolbag Adobe Photoshop Krita