Race – 3D graphics in Unreal Engine /4K (Ultra HD)
Gallery type
Date of publication:
Nov 1, 2023 4:32:59 PM
Author’s comment:
Race, confrontation, graphics, 3D, UE5, Alfa Romeo, Italian off-road, animation
Hello everyone, I wanted to make a video about the confrontation (race) of two cars designed for different road conditions.
To begin with, I took a ready-made scene with a road, found two cars and robots on Skethfab, edited the road material (reduced Roughness), took some textures from Megaskans and added them to the cars (to get dirty and scuffed). I set up cameras, and even tied some of them to cars for convenience and to save time. After cleaning the cameras and bugs, I rendered everything and threw Max Korzh's song
"Live in a buzz" into Adobe Premiere.
As a result: it turned out to be a short, but rather fast and cool video
The project consists of one scene, which I made in 4 weeks
Unreal Engine Adobe Premiere