Vikings - visualization of their life in UnrealEngine | 4K (Ultra HD)
Gallery type
Date of publication:
Jun 11, 2023 3:23:02 PM
Author’s comment:
Hello everyone 👋
I made a Viking-themed video a long time ago, but I forgot to put it up
I think you will like it 🙃
To begin with, I created a scene with a landscape, which I then edited for placement:
- rivers, mountains and hills,
- put houses, drew paths,
- put a bridge connecting two islands
- arranged trees and vegetation,
- arranged the scenery in the village,
such as:
- anvil with axe,
- a table with food (mainly fish)
- and completed the light on the stage 💡
As a result: got the first experience with the project,
I understood how it is necessary to arrange the cameras according to the project
I think it turned out cool))
Unreal Engine Adobe Premiere