Own dacha - palace and park ensemble in Old Peterhof
Gallery type
Date of publication:
Dec 11, 2022 2:21:15 PM
Author’s comment:
The construction of the stone dacha began in 1727, during the reign of Emperor Peter II. At first, the palace and park ensemble, the center of which was a two-story stone house, was called Primorsky House or Primorskaya Dacha. In 1741, the estate was donated to Elizaveta Petrovna and the Primorsky House was named "Her Imperial Majesty's Own Dacha".
Own dacha occupies a very significant place in the history of Russian architecture of the middle of the 19th century - it is from this building that a new direction opens - the stylistic "second baroque". It was the "second baroque" that became one of the most common styles of mansions and palaces in the mid-19th century.
My work process
All work was done in a full-fledged and incredibly fast-growing Blender software package. Actually, this is the result of my ownership of this software product. All objects in this scene are modeled by me, with the exception of blades of grass, a couple of ferns and small twigs from the megascans library.
Blender Cycles ZBrush Adobe Photoshop