USSR Air Fleet
Gallery type
Date of publication:
Sep 11, 2013 10:08:46 AM
Author’s comment:
- Fyodor , even though you know what happened ? - Said Sergey and yawned .
- Yes, again with Her Royal Majesty the Queen of Great Britain some grater - deliberately pathetic voice said Fedor . - Although it seems to me that the war will not again show his teeth to each other , and think about diplomatic issues .
- I would have them once and punched as follows, that knew ! .. - Sergey in the hearts of spat in the snow and have a calm voice said: - It is strange , somehow empty around. It seems to have all the fuss , the anxiety was fighting ?
- Was - Fyodor agreed . - But everything is in its place. Look, look, cover drives off . In general , do you think anyone hunting in the street in a cold stand ? All in tepid comfortable hangars and little boats !
He sighed sadly . He had long wanted to serve in the air force , but the decision was unequivocal medical board - not fit for military service . Especially in the new kind of troops, where they took the most loggerhead and strong people. In the end, all that was achieved Fedor - only cling to one part of the ship -based as the driver. Here, however, he still collected nuggets of information about the wonder - ships, which did not allow to lose hope completely.
And there are those - nodded his head toward the checkpoint - also do not freeze , I'm sure .
- Oh , look, what a handsome man ! - Said Sergey provocatively when " Rokossovskii " slowly began to swim out of the hangar . - Clean, as brand-new !
- You almost guessing - Fyodor winked , although the light emergency lamp it was hardly noticeable.
- What do you mean ?
- Its newly repainted for the military parade.
- Wow ... And how do you even know ? You and I know this is not supposed to , like so secret about them all dofiga .
Theodore smiled . He loved these moments .
- He who seeks shall find . By the way , look .
He pointed off to the side of the mountains, and Sergey did not immediately saw what caught the attention of his comrade. And when I saw all the same - whistled in surprise.
- A solid , right? I like it too . Although ... there is no grace .
- You say , too , grace . Hmm, what is he going without lights ?
- Do not need it , meaning electricity spend anywhere. It's cold, brrr .
- And how many lights on the electricity needed ? .. - Sergey began , but he was rudely interrupted by the harsh hoarse voice from the depths of the garage :
- Gray ! Fed ! Come on, already loaded ! Come on, faster!
- All right , let's go to the car , Sergei, a chat on the way - said Fyodor opened the door.
And at the last moment, looked back at the warm-up engines " Rokossovskogo ":
- Good , chertyaga !
3ds max 2011, Vray, Photoshop