Full Moon Station
Gallery type
Date of publication:
Sep 4, 2023 12:04:08 PM
Author’s comment:
Full Moon Station
Voice over the loudspeaker on the train: the next station is the Full Moon station. They say that you can always have a amazing time here with friends. And take a walk in the stone park next to the statue of our the Greatest cat. Be sure to come to park at night, because only at this time can a real unforgettable magic happen. After all, the day is made for sleep and nothing else. Right??? Ahahaha
Thanks to
Ivan Smirnov https://www.artstation.com/real-sonkes
Maks Knecht https://www.artstation.com/makskneht
Yaroslav Hahalev https://www.artstation.com/clydebarbrady
Adobe Photoshop