Soviet F1 Moskvich G5M
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Date of publication:
Jul 31, 2022 4:19:25 PM
Author’s comment:
Soviet F1 car 1970s. He actively participated in socialist block competitions, but did not compete worldwide due to a many reasons (the main one is the revision of the F1 regulations, for which the GD-1 engine was originally created). Several dozen cars of the Moskvich G5 series were produced, which had forced Moskvich-412 engines.
The GD-1 engine was created on the basis of the engine of the Vostok-S-360 racing motorcycle. It was a V8 with a volume of ~ 1.5 liters and an estimated power of 200 hp at 10500 rpm (It was only tested at 6000 rpm and a power of 162 hp was registered). 2 copies were produced.
The main source of information: an article by one of the chief designers of the GD-1 L. Shugurov: The Economic Council gives the go-ahead (Л. Шугуров: Совнархоз даёт "Добро").
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