Tea party
Gallery type
Date of publication:
Jan 27, 2021 1:26:42 PM
Author’s comment:
Tea party with cats
In this project, I wanted to plunge into childhood and convey the warm and sincere atmosphere of a child's play. The main character is a little girl who decided to play with her pets. And each of the cats perceives it completely differently. For example, Timmy is not very happy with what is happening: he is prevented from sleeping and he really does not like it. Bonnie is scary, but at the same time very curious, so he is a little afraid, but nevertheless does not run away. And Jack, the ginger cat, the girl's favorite, is happy with everything. It doesn't even matter to him what his mistress does, the main thing is that she pays attention to him, and this is the most valuable thing for him.
ZBrush Adobe Photoshop Autodesk Maya KeyShot