Dwarf game ready
Gallery type
Date of publication:
Nov 14, 2020 1:08:49 PM
Author’s comment:
see,twist and buy here
Low-poly model of the character Dwarf Low Poly
Suitable for games of different genre: RPG, strategy, first-person shooter, etc.
In the archive, the basic mesh (fbx and maya)
all texture map 4096(with the possibility of reduction to 1024)
In the model it is desirable to use a shader with a two-sided display of polygons.
The model contains 30 animations
atack (x8)
walking (x4)
running (x2)
Straife (x4)
idle (x4)
death (x4)
get hit(x3)
faces 43392
verts 50072
tris 82231
3D-Coat Autodesk Maya ZBrush