Substance 3D Modeler is an SDF (Signed Distance Fields)-based tool that allows the creation of both organic and solid models in virtual reality or desktop mode using a mouse and keyboard. The workflow combines elements of sculpting and boolean modeling: users can create shapes from virtual clay and then merge or cut them using boolean operations.
Substance 3D Modeler 1.19 introduces a new Asset workflow in the program's export mode. It allows users to group components within a scene into "assets," each with its own export settings, which are saved by the program between exports. All 3D primitives have received a new Shell parameter, which makes the shape hollow with a user-controlled geometry shell thickness. This can also be applied to groups of primitives.
The Mesh to Clay feature, used to convert imported polygonal models into SDF for editing, now uses adaptive subdivision, dividing only the areas needed to achieve the desired clay resolution. When exporting, users can now reduce the number of polygons of an object by a percentage value, instead of specifying an absolute value. A new camera preview system has been added in VR mode. Non-physical objects, such as gizmos, are not displayed in the preview, and users can smooth the camera movement. Several small workflow improvements have also been made. This system is designed to streamline iterative design work, eliminating the need to adjust parameters each time during re-export.
Substance 3D Modeler is compatible with Windows 10 and above and the following VR headsets. It is available through a subscription to the Substance 3D Collection, which costs $49.99 per month or $549.88 per year. Permanent licenses are available via Steam for $149.99.