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Adobe представили Substance 3D Designer 14.1


Substance 3D Designer 14.1 updates the Spline and Path toolset for creating and manipulating 2D shapes, initially introduced in Substance Designer 13.0 in 2023. New features include the self-describing node "Scatter Splines on Splines," used in the video above to create a branching embroidery pattern resembling a snowflake. It is now also possible to randomize the placement of splines generated by the "Spline Bridge List" node, which creates splines that intersect selected ones. The "Contour Mask" node, which converts grayscale masks into a set of contour segments, has been updated to provide more control over the placement of the first vertex on the contour.

Other new features include a 2D color picker tool, which allows users to track the value of a selected pixel across multiple nodes. Users can attach an icon to a pixel in the viewport and then track its RGBA values as the node graph updates.


The node graph itself has received several workflow updates, including the ability to copy and paste parameter values from one node to another. The node alignment tools, which help visually organize complex graphs, have been "completely updated," with the main change being the ability to evenly distribute nodes. The node search tool has been "slightly improved," with new options to disable fuzzy search or enable recursive search to find nodes in subgraphs of the node graph.


Substance 3D Designer 14.1 is compatible with Windows 10 and above, RHEL 8.6/9.2 and above, Linux, and macOS 12.0 and above. It is available as a perpetual license for $199.99 on Steam or via subscription to Substance 3D. The Substance 3D Texturing subscription costs $19.99 per month or $219.88 per year; the Substance 3D Collection subscription costs $49.99 per month or $549.88 per year. A Linux version subscription requires a Creative Cloud for Teams plan, priced at $1,198.88 per year.

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