Antonov An-14 Pchelka 3В ьщвуд
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Date of publication:
Feb 26, 2024 7:11:36 AM
Author’s comment:
The Antonov An-14 Pchelka (“Little Bee”, Clod) is a Soviet utility aircraft which was first flown on 15 March 1958. It was a twin-engined light STOL utility transport, with two 300 hp Ivchenko AI-14RF radial piston engines. Serial production started in 1966, and about 300 examples were built by the time production ended in 1972. The An-14 failed to replace the more successful An-2 biplane, which was manufactured until 1990.
With very stable flight characteristics, the An-14 could be flown by most pilots after a few hours of basic training. A small number of An-14s are still in airworthy condition
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