The Place Beyond the Pines. FULL CGI
Gallery type
Date of publication:
Jan 2, 2024 6:28:28 PM
Author’s comment:
Vizualisation: Max Torop
Location: Belarus, Gomel region
Project Year: 2023
This is a non-commercial project, made during past few months as new task outside my work at the architectural studio. The idea was to create a quiet, peaceful place in the middle of a pine forest. It consists of two separate identical buildings of restaurant overlooking the surrounding forest.
The choice of volume and materials takes into account the surrounding materials - wood, stone and clay. The aim was to reach and emphasize the transparency, lightness and at the same time solidity and wholeness of the buildings. I wanted to create a pleasant atmosphere of autumn forest, full of air and sunlight.
I hope I succeeded. Enjoy!
Full on my Behance.
Autodesk 3ds Max Adobe Photoshop Corona