Work for the challenge:
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Date of publication:
Nov 13, 2021 6:10:20 PM
Author’s comment:
The Creator of their world formed reality from His consciousness. In order to control the beings, He separated part of His attention into individual souls. Especially the souls of people demanded a lot of attention. When there were too many people, the Creator completely dissolved into them.
The entities that were with Him during the creation of the world were divided into two large groups. Some of them who know the structure of the world have been using it for their pleasure. They began to be called demons. Others wanted the Creator's attention to gather back into the original essence. They were angels. For this to happen, it was necessary to destroy most human bodies and release the souls imprisoned in them.
Meanwhile, a secret organization codenamed "Trojans" was preparing a plan to destroy 90% of people with a deadly virus. The angels have decided to support them.
Demons who are influencing the governments of many countries carry out measures to eliminate infection nowadays. Agents embedded by Angels are trying to prevent this.
The Battle has begun!
There’s no man in the world who knows her true name. Some ancient tribes revered her as a goddess. She doesn’t lead a public life now. She’s become curious about the fuss of human scientists on Earth. She finds it hilarious that she can share knowledge about the structure of the world with them, and vice versa - confuse them with false theories.
In her spare time, she directs the development of vaccines against the virus spread by Trojans.
She’s lost her horn in a friendly battle with an angel.
Of course she can regenerate herself any time, but she doesn't so that angel being guilty every time they meet. And she likes such asymmetry.
Participates in discussions with angels, where the fate of the World and the Creator is decided.
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