Work for the challenge:
Battle Angel Project "The Scourge"
Gallery type
Date of publication:
Nov 1, 2021 6:46:02 AM
Author’s comment:
My character concept is a female battle angel. A graceful, athletic, fearless warrior, armed with a giant large-caliber cannon, in a cyber suit that enhances her physical and magical abilities. One of the main attributes of any angel - a halo, received a technological upgrade in the form of sensors, now it has the function of a spy drone. According to the idea, such combat units are designed to turn the tide of the war for dominance over the Earth, exterminating all the demons in their path and simultaneously enslaving the human population. The main emphasis is placed on manufacturability and belligerence, coupled with grace, on the contrast of crude heavy weapons and refined, feminine features of the warrior herself.
Adobe Photoshop