Work for the challenge:
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Date of publication:
Nov 27, 2019 2:44:00 PM
Author’s comment:
The future, the huge spaceship lost over 250 years ago is returning to Earth’s orbit. At the time of the arrival of Hyperion, satellites and Earth stations spotted strange activity outside and inside the ship. Its lower body slowly sprayed over the planet’s atmosphere into small parts, as if trying to get to its surface. From there, an unusual shape could be seen that resembled an old bark ingrown into a ship. A group of researchers, led by the charismatic epidemiologist Akira Hanzo, go aboard the ship to study its secret, but upon landing they discover that no living organism could survive in such conditions. Spoilage hung through the walls and the rotten hull of the ship, as if it has dissolved the Hyperion structure. They noticed spores floating in the air, which resembled a flock of insects with their sudden movement. Suddenly, Akira felt movement in the dark side of the room and directed the light there, seen he terribly. It was a man chained to wires extended from the ceiling, but he resembled a man only with his body shape. The remaining areas were covered with mucus and rotted parts of the body, the very spores were thrown out of it. The creature slowly pulled its hand down the mucous membrane, it felt the presence of scientists on board and along the corridor eerie sounds of other mutated people were heard.
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