Work for the challenge:
So long
Gallery type
Date of publication:
Nov 25, 2019 8:10:43 AM
Author’s comment:
The "Exodus". Sound recording of the negotiations of the detachment guarding the missing group of scientists (partially restored with the help of neuro-linguistic algorithm ZA-3478 / PH0 "Porphyry").
("interference, noise")
- I'm Pushkin, Pushkin, Pushkin, I'm not a bear ("noise interference radio")...go themselves ("hindrances") - without them easier. They take away all the lousy intelligentsia - it's not a pity, we would strangle these bubbleheads anyway ("noise, crackle, squeak"). But you tell me, Malyuta, what do they dog?!
- ("noise, crackle") Most likely the dog is not as simple as he wants to seem. Come here, Juchka, come here, you bastard, laboratory objekt № 5.
("noise, crackling, interference, among the noise heard intelligent growl, then the sound of the engine starts").
"Hold her!" ("noise, noise, the sound of gunfire"), She steals a tractor!!!
("noise interference, recording abruptly ends").
ZBrush KeyShot Adobe Photoshop