"The Rock"

preview "The Rock" interior, render, museum, dinningroom, luxury, restaurant, Nature, Stones interior, render, museum, dinningroom, luxury, restaurant, Nature, Stones interior, render, museum, dinningroom, luxury, restaurant, Nature, Stones interior, render, museum, dinningroom, luxury, restaurant, Nature, Stones interior, render, museum, dinningroom, luxury, restaurant, Nature, Stones interior, render, museum, dinningroom, luxury, restaurant, Nature, Stones interior, render, museum, dinningroom, luxury, restaurant, Nature, Stones
The structure as a whole is carved into the solid rock of the mountain, so the big chunk of the rock in the dining room works as a dominant and resembles a «corner of nature». In addition, the "natural" islands are also the dominants of composition, creating the illusion of real forest pieces inside an enclosed space. Themes of rocks and trees are beautifully outlined against the background of rhythmic, almost monochromatic wooden panels on the walls and long curtains. The play of light and shadows enhances the effect of immersion in nature. All the elements of the interior create the atmosphere of a mysterious night forest.
571 0 850 12