Nizza Paradise-3D architectural animation by Joel Stutz
Gallery type
Date of publication:
Nov 14, 2016 1:27:28 PM
Author’s comment:
This animation was done in 2014 using Mental Ray and not Vray. This is because the animation is pretty long, and the deadline and budget very tight. I therefore rendered everything on my 12 cores computer. I focused all affords on music and the gradual presentation of the building. I also searched 2 sound tracks music and the sound designer glued them together. It took me 2 month to do the exterior renders and the animation. (The interior renders were provided by the client)
A very important note about the use of camera movements is that we strictly followed the cinematic principle of revealing information gradually. This means that the animation starts by revealing only details and as the animation progresses the camera gradually takes greater distance from the building, revealing more and more its complete structure. It is only at the very end of the animation that we finally understand the location. The camera finally slows down, comes to a rest, and shows us the entire colossal residence.
Maya, Mental Ray