Pepe from Hogwarts (World of Warcraft fan art)
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Date of publication:
Aug 11, 2024 7:48:26 PM
Author’s comment:
I finally finished my project with Pepe the bird!
I thought, why not combine the World of Wacraft and Harry Potter universes? I'm going to make a costume for Pepe in the style of the Hogwarts Houses!
To do this, I created a model of Pepe and the costume (student hat, scarf, and badge of House) in black and white. This is the first time I made a black and white texture, and then used a gradient map and solid color in Photoshop to color the texture. Of course, after everything I polish a bit with my hands smiley
I then painted Pepe's black and white texture in his original colors, and painted the suit texture in four color palettes to match colors of Houses. I also drew the House animal on the badge of each color variant.
After that, I took a couple screenshots in-game, in the mage tower in Stormwind, to test how my fan-made version of Pepe would look in-game.
Blender 3D-Coat Adobe Photoshop