PROJECT 1241 Missile Boats
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Date of publication:
Aug 11, 2024 7:35:16 AM
Author’s comment:
The hull of the missile boat is smooth-decked, made of steel, has a slight saddle and combined outlines. It is divided into nine compartments by eight watertight bulkheads. The superstructures of the boat (except for the gas eliminators) are made of light alloys. The main mechanisms are located in two adjacent compartments in the aft part of the hull.
The main dimensions of the missile boat: hull length - 56.1 meters, the greatest width - 10.2 meters. Hull draft - 2.5 m (2.3 m for project 1241RE), propeller draft at full draft - 3.60 m, operational draft (for project 12421) - 2.55 m. Displacement of different modifications of the project varies slightly, but lies within 500 tons. Side height at midships is 5.31 m. The crew of Project 1241 boats is 41 persons.
Fusion 360 Autodesk Maya ZBrush UVLayout Marmoset Toolbag Substance Painter Adobe Photoshop