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Date of publication:
Dec 28, 2022 7:53:57 PM
Author’s comment:
Ben Elton, in his book The Second Eden, places us in an ecological apocalypse. The earth has already been brought to a deplorable state: ice remains only at the poles, only acid rains, ocean water is liquid mud, the sun burns to the formation of cancerous tumors. People are trying to survive. Everywhere there are light and air filters, special suits, special umbrellas, etc. are used.
As a way of further existence on the planet, the author proposes the concept of "claustrospheres" - these are balls or domes in which there is everything to ensure the life of people: purified air and water, the change of day and night, waste recycling, residential and workplaces, as well as the opportunity reconstruction of the Earth's flora. You can live in such shelters for hundreds of years, at which time the planet, freed from industrial emissions and human waste, is restored and becomes habitable again.
My work is an illustration of what our life in such ecological shelters might look like.
“The seductive thought of having a choice, of being able to survive, to make sure that the global cataclysm bypassed you, caused strong emotions from the very day Noah built the ark.” Ben Elton
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