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Date of publication:
Oct 2, 2021 9:56:01 AM
Author’s comment:
My second independent work.
This work started as an individual project at the "Kaino" school. For various reasons, project took longer than planned. Work is based on the early 20th century locomotive - "Climax class C". With this work, I consolidated the entire pipeline for the development of the game model. For the presentation scene, I used UE4 for the first time.
Game ready locomotive.
Bake high to low pipeline.
Tris ~ 114k.
Texture - 4 set 4k PBRMR and 1 set 4k PBRMR_alpha_blend (glass, decals and spring in cabin)
Texel density - avg 770 px/m
Rails and a bridge were made for evironment. These two objects are made in the "mid poly" pipeline. I will not give their technical data as this is a post about a steam locomotive.
Hope you like it.
PS: On this project, my old GTX780 graphics card passed into another world ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Blender Substance Painter Unreal Engine Marmoset Toolbag Adobe Photoshop