Mossberg 590A1
Gallery type
Date of publication:
Jun 6, 2021 11:28:56 AM
Author’s comment:
I featured modified Mossberg 590A1 with 20-inch barrel in this project of mine. I felt like making this shotgun would be a genuine challenge, also enhancing and consolidating my basic skills.
ZBrush was being used for creating highpoly, Maya for making lowpoly. Marmoset Toolbag helped with rendering and baking, and Substance Painter was being used for texturing.
Also made use of Eugene Petrov's FPS hands for more "in-depth" representation.
Total tris count: 27274
Main weapon tris count without attachments: 13700
3 texture sets
ZBrush Autodesk Maya UVLayout Marmoset Toolbag Substance Painter Adobe Photoshop