ММ-Q №1785
Gallery type
Date of publication:
May 3, 2020 11:03:41 AM
Author’s comment:
MM-Q (module quarantine mobile)
The planet was attacked by a terrible pandemic, its name is “PANIC”!
The atmosphere was filled with dense smog, which resulted in irreversible changes in the human body. Few survived the “panic,” but those who succeeded were divided into two “species.” Some are remnants of civilization living in fully autonomous, quarantine modules, serviced by the government and fulfilling their duty to the state, in the form of environmental studies, and sending reports and research results.
And the “Others” - (it was just such a pseudonym that was indicated in state documents) people who completely renounced the benefits of civilization and who consider that these very benefits caused a disaster. They safely adapted to the environment and considered themselves the Chosen!
Autodesk 3ds Max Substance Painter ZBrush FStormRender Adobe Photoshop