The Keymaster
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Date of publication:
Feb 26, 2020 7:28:45 PM
Author’s comment:
Concept for contest.
"...Thieves. For many, only loafers and criminals, bothering law-abiding citizens with one fact of their existence. But even among thieves there are those who have earned respect for themselves. So was Alistair McKey, the Keymaster. Playing Robin Hood and stirring up one capitalist nest after another, he earned a peoples love that no politician knew. He acted elegantly, boldly and absolutely unmistakably. But it was worth stumbling only once.
Only having made his way deep into the cellars of the next victims mansion, he saw occult sigils. Dealing with demons is almost an ordinary thing, especially for those whom McKey robbed, but meeting with Astarot himself was a surprise, which he couldn't escape from.
Having broken Alistairs legs, the infernal treasurer turned him into a personal servant. Since then, Keymaster comes to everyone who wants to look behind a locked door, having sacrificed part of their souls. His body holds keys to all locks of the world, except those that are connected with him and his soul..."
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