Somewhere. Sometime
Gallery type
Date of publication:
Aug 29, 2019 11:19:26 AM
Author’s comment:
Seems like changing the idea during the working progress becomes quite common practice to me. And this project was no exception. I will definitely bring the initial idea to life someday. But none of that matters now. All in good time.
Thanks for inspiration to the Stephen King’s novels, KAWS artist, DARK series and the anticipation of the sequel of my favorite game The Last Of US.
...Our Stranger finds himself in some kind of a future, following his own way, a path to his goal. No one knows his intentions, and it doesn’t really matter. There is only a moment we are able to observe.
The world is not what it appears in his dreams about childhood. Succumbing to primitive instincts, human destroys what it once built, betrays what it once believed in, Nature fights back for what was stolen from her long ago, hiding human’s former values and memories under her mantle. The world is slowly fading.
Our Stranger finds its aesthetics and beauty in there, the hidden echoes of the past evoke pleasant and vague memories. An infinity-long moment. But it's time to move on...
The Stanger is on the way to face his destiny...
Somewhere... Sometime...
Autodesk 3ds Max Corona Adobe Photoshop