The release of Cinema 4D 2024.2

Cinema 4D 2024.2 has received several updates within the Unified Simulation Framework (USF). The support for rigid bodies, introduced in Cinema 4D 2024.0, now includes the ability to scale with effector animations, enabling the creation of more realistic simulations. New deactivation parameters for rigid bodies in rest mode and the capability to override global damping settings for rigid bodies, soft bodies, cloth, and ropes have also been introduced.
Pyro, a toolset for simulating gaseous liquids introduced in Cinema 4D 2023.1, now features a new Dynamic Surface option that acts directly from deformable meshes. Additionally, it offers the ability to set a timeline for simulation key parameters, post-processing simulation volumes using noise patterns, and an extended simulation update functionality.


Animators have gained a new function called "Key Reducer" that reduces the number of keyframes in an animation while preserving the overall shape of the animation curve. This feature is especially crucial for handling raw motion capture data.

In Cinema 4D's node graph for procedural modeling, new nodes such as Symmetry and Thicken have been introduced, along with a new Resample Spline node designed to simplify splines. Workflow improvements include the support for Asset Version Pinning, enabling artists to continue working with an older version of an asset even if a newer version exists.

Users can now drag and drop Substance materials into Cinema 4D to create new Redshift materials. The new Substance Materials node allows the import of .sbsar files into Cinema 4D, allowing direct use within Redshift materials for Maxon's renderer. Additionally, animation is now supported when importing glTF files. The project's asset inspector now displays missing fonts and node assets, making it easier to reconnect external resources upon scene import.


Another change following the release of Cinema 4D 2024.1 in October was Maxon's decision to stop listing subscriptions for individual Cinema 4D products on the front page of its online store. Instead, the store's front page now showcases Maxon One subscriptions, encompassing the entire range of Maxon products, and joint subscriptions for Cinema 4D and Redshift.

Cinema 4D 2024.2 is available for Windows 10 and later, as well as macOS 11.7.7 and later. The update is only accessible through a subscription, priced at $94 per month or $719 annually for an individual product.

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