Usadba Grebnevo

preview Usadba Grebnevo archviz, archvis, Exterior, exterior rendering, architectural visualization, exterior visualisation, usadba, grebnevo archviz, archvis, Exterior, exterior rendering, architectural visualization, exterior visualisation, usadba, grebnevo archviz, archvis, Exterior, exterior rendering, architectural visualization, exterior visualisation, usadba, grebnevo archviz, archvis, Exterior, exterior rendering, architectural visualization, exterior visualisation, usadba, grebnevo
3D Tour: The Grebnevo estate is an architectural monument of republican significance and a modern cultural and entertainment space. A manor with an amazing history occupies a unique place in the fate of Russia and is one of the largest estates in the Moscow region Customer: Andrey Arkadievich Kovalev Location: 30 km north-east of the Moscow Ring Road on the territory of the Grebnevsky rural settlement of the Shchelkovsky district of the Moscow region. Some historical data about the project: The history of the estate can be traced back to the 16th century. In the time of troubles, the estate was in the possession of the Vorontsovs, who were its owners even before Belsky, and then passed into the possession of the Trubetskoy princes. The main buildings of the estate are due to General G.I. Bibikov (brother-in-law of MI Kutuzov) and SM Golitsyn (“the last Moscow grandee”). Its heyday fell on the era of the Russian Enlightenment. With the advent of Soviet power, the estate was nationalized, and its future underwent several dramatic and dramatic changes. In 1960 Grebnevo was declared an architectural monument of republican significance. Several restoration attempts were made, and by the end of the 1980s, there was hope for the revival of the estate, but in 1991, when the restoration of the palace was nearing completion, under unexplained circumstances, a fire broke out in it, destroying not only the interiors, but also the overlap with the roof, leaving just bare burnt walls. Since then, the estate has been in extreme desolation and abandonment. In 2018, the Grebnevo Estate got a new owner - Andrey Arkadievich Kovalev, who will restore the estate. At the moment, design work on the restoration is underway and according to the plan, the restoration may take about 10 years. Advertising visualization work was done according to drawings, which were still hand-drawn from 1951. Some of the objects and elements had to be thought out according to logic and restored from descriptions and old black-and-white photographs.
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