Tom Holland - Portrait

preview Tom Holland - Portrait tomholland, sculpting, ZBrush, spiderman, Vray, rendering, vray next, XGen tomholland, sculpting, ZBrush, spiderman, Vray, rendering, vray next, XGen tomholland, sculpting, ZBrush, spiderman, Vray, rendering, vray next, XGen tomholland, sculpting, ZBrush, spiderman, Vray, rendering, vray next, XGen tomholland, sculpting, ZBrush, spiderman, Vray, rendering, vray next, XGen tomholland, sculpting, ZBrush, spiderman, Vray, rendering, vray next, XGen tomholland, sculpting, ZBrush, spiderman, Vray, rendering, vray next, XGen tomholland, sculpting, ZBrush, spiderman, Vray, rendering, vray next, XGen tomholland, sculpting, ZBrush, spiderman, Vray, rendering, vray next, XGen tomholland, sculpting, ZBrush, spiderman, Vray, rendering, vray next, XGen tomholland, sculpting, ZBrush, spiderman, Vray, rendering, vray next, XGen tomholland, sculpting, ZBrush, spiderman, Vray, rendering, vray next, XGen tomholland, sculpting, ZBrush, spiderman, Vray, rendering, vray next, XGen tomholland, sculpting, ZBrush, spiderman, Vray, rendering, vray next, XGen tomholland, sculpting, ZBrush, spiderman, Vray, rendering, vray next, XGen
Tom Holland - Portrait Hello everyone, we're so excited to share with you all our last personal project that my friend and I were working for the past month. My role was to focus more on Lookdev, Grooming, Lighting, Texturing, and Comp. While Ofek's role was more focused on, Sculpting, Texturing, and Comp. For this project, we used only maps and resources from, like the new Multi-channel maps + Brown iris maps. Ofek used Zbrush for sculpting and detailing, and Substance Painter for texturing, Comp on Photoshop. I used Xgen for grooming, Lighting and look dev on Maya and Vray for rendering, and Comp on Photoshop. Ofek Maymoni My Artstation We really hope you will like it.
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Bolotnikov Semyon So serious study that looks like a scan from an actor. Award

Thank You Semyon !
Victor Smirnov Damn, beauty! Super!

Thank you Victor!
Denys Zolotukhin (Grakino) Wow. Very cool. Author, please tell me, judging by the description you used to render V-Ray. Did you use VRaySkinMtl or VRayFastSSS2 for skin creation? Both materials are similar, I now wonder what you used.

Hello Denys , For Vray skin mat I used the VRayAlSurface shader.