preview MECHANICAL FISH Concept Art Concept Art Concept Art Concept Art Concept Art Concept Art Concept Art Concept Art Concept Art Concept Art Concept Art Concept Art Concept Art Concept Art Concept Art Concept Art Concept Art
MECHANICAL FISH Работа создана в 2002 г. Работа - участник Фестиваля Графического Дизайна и Новой Визуальной Культуры "Графит-3". В 2002 г. работа экспонировалась на выставке фестиваля в Москве, проходившей в выставочном зале "Красный Октябрь" на Берсеневской набережной. Работа была напечатана в каталоге фестиваля "Графит-3". Сборка и компоузинг: Photoshop, illustrator. Моделлинг: 3D studio Max 3.0. Рендеринг: scanline 3D studio Max 3.0 render. Постобработка, создание текстур: Photoshop, illustrator. 3d-моделинг, рендеринг, постобработка, концепт-дизайн, графический дизайн, разработка формообразования - Алексей Стародумов. Подробнее о проекте: ​​​​​​​ The work was created in 2002. The work is a participant of the Festival Graphic Design and New Visual Culture "Graphite-3". In 2002, the work was exhibited at the exhibition of the festival in Moscow, held in the exhibition hall "Red October" on the Bersenevskaya embankment. The work was printed in the catalog of the festival "Graphite-3". Assembling and compositing: Photoshop, illustrator. Modeling: 3D studio Max 3.0. Rendering: scanline 3D studio Max 3.0 render. Postprocessing, creating textures: Photoshop, illustrator. 3d-modeling, rendering, postprocessing, concept design, graphic design, form development - Alexey Starodumov.